
Canna Lilies: Everything You Need to Know (Planting, Care, and Maintenance)

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The Canna Lily (Canna spp.) is a really beautiful and colorful plant that is grown for its amazing looking foliage as well as the flowers. It is not a true lily but rather part of the Cannaceae family. Canna Lilies with their banana like leaves and come in a range of colours from reds, oranges through yellows to pinks. They can grow up to 6 feet tall, giving the plant a tropical look that will easily be used in anywhere such as a garden or landscape.

Benefits of Growing Canna Lily

Benefits Of Canna Lilies Besides their large, bright flowers. They are pollinated by bees and butterflies as well hummingbirds that help to develop a healthy ecosystem within your garden. Marigolds grow strong enough to survive this treatment while also being easy for even the most amateur green thumb. Canna Lilies are also very versatile and work well in many garden areas, including borders, water gardens & mixed flower beds. Growing in full sun, as well as partial shade means they are both versatile and can compliment your garden whatever the space.

Varieties of Canna Lily

Canna Lilies range in variety, each with different flower color options and leaf shades as well as plant height. There are various popular varieties like

  1. Canna ‘Tropicanna’: Spectacular multicolored striped red, orange, yellow and green leaves with brilliant orange flowers.
  2. Canna ‘Wyoming’: These have combination deep purple leaves with scarlet to orange blooms.
  3. Canna ‘Pretoria’: Also called ‘Bengal Tiger’ These middling hybrids feature bold green & yellow striped leaves, and large orange blossoms.
  4. Canna ‘Australia’: Dark burgundy leaves and bright red flowers make this selection one of the most eye-catching varieties in a border.

When you are choosing a variety keep in mind the colour range and design of your garden combined with plant height, spread etc to make sure it fits into what landscape you have already.

We also have a article about Expert Tips to Grow Stargazer Lilies.

Planting Canna Lily

Canna Lily garden in backyard

Best Time to Plant

Plant Canna Lilies in the spring after the danger of frost. Green beans grow best in warm soil and require growing conditions with temperatures above 50°F (10°C) they will not produce should your site experience frost. When planting in the spring, you are giving your plants an entire season to get established and grow strong throughout the warmer months.

Soil Preparation

  • Soil Type and pH Preferences: Canna Lilies like a rich soil with good drainage and slightly on the acidic to neutral whir (6.0-7.0). They will grow well in rich soil with lots of organic matter.
  • Improved Drainage and Fertility: Incorporate organic matter (compost, well-rotted manure or peat moss) into clay soils to improve drainage. If the texture of sandy soil is too loose, you must add some compost or other rich organic substances that can preserve water and be more fertile.

Planting Steps

  • Depth and Spacing: Make a planting hole 4 to 6 inches deep, large enough so the rhizome can rest comfortably. Plant rhizomes 12 to 24 inches apart, depending on the variety and how quickly you want space filled. This application is a must as it provides proper air circulation and allows the plant to grow.
  • Orienting Rhizomes Correctly: Plant the rhizome so that it is lying flat in the hole, eyes (growth points) upwards. Place the rhizome a few inches under with a 2-3 inch layer of soil and tamp down gently to remove any air pockets.
  • After Planting Water: Thoroughly water the recently planted rhizomes to settle soil and get new roots started. Continue to keep the soil moist until new plants are established, usually 2-3 weeks.

Care and Maintenance


Canna Lilies prefer consistently moist soil. Give them a thorough watering once or twice per week depending on how much rainfall you are getting and the soil conditions. Water more often when it is hot and dry, but always let the soil almost completely dry out between watering sessions so that the roots can get some oxygen. Water less frequently in the cooler climates or high-humidity periods to avoid root rot. Add mulch around the plants to help keep needed soil moisture and reduce watering.


At planting time, fertilize with a balanced slow-release fertilizer like 10-10-10 to give the plant essential nutrients for growth. One of them is the use of organic alternatives such as compost, well-rotted manure or fish emulsion. High-Quality Fertilizer for Your Petunia gardenApply a balanced, water-soluble fertilizer every four to six weeks during the growing season. Spread a top dressing of compost or manure around plants, and lightly work it into the soil for organic fertilizers. Avoid fertilizing too much, as this will promote more leafy growth with less flowering.


Mulch helps keep the soil moist, prevent weeds and maintain a consistent temperature in the yard. As it slowly decays, manure works to enhance soil structure and fertility by adding organic matter. Mulch with organic material such as straw or shredded bark and wood chips or compost instead. Spread a 2- to 3-inch layer of mulch around the base of the plants, keeping it several inches from stems so they don’t rot.

Managing Pests and Diseases

Common Pests


Identification: Tiny, soft-bodied bugs located on the underside of leaves and stalks They are also available in different colors like green, black or brown.

Damage: Aphids feed off of plant sap which in turn can cause stunted growth and wilting yellow leaves. And they excrete a sweet honeydew substance that ants love to feed on while also fostering sooty mold_.


  • Spray with insecticidal soap or neem oil.
  • Bring in natural predators such as ladybugs and lacewings.
  • Use a forceful spray of water to knock aphids from plants.
Slugs and Snails

Identification: Glistening half-liquid creatures that slide and trail mucus.

Damage: Irregular holes chewed in leaves which is often most apparent at night as slugs and snails feed after dark.


  • Place slug traps, or a barrier of copper tape around the plant base.
  • Apply organic slug pellets.
  • Slugs and snails: Collect in the evening or early morning by hand
Japanese Beetles

Identification: Metallic green beetles with coppery brown wings.

Damage: Remove the leaf tissue between veins so leaves appear lacy.


  • Use your hands to pick off beetles and drop them in a bucket of soapy water.
  • Place Japanese beetle traps away from the plants.
  • Use neem oil to prevent the beatles from feeding.

Disease Prevention and Treatment

Fungal Infections

Common Types: Powdery mildew and rust usual.

Symptoms: Powdery mildew shows up as a white dusty cover on fallen leaves. Rusts appear as yellow or orange pustules on the undersides of leaves.


  • Avoid crowding trees and shrubs (which can cut down on air circulation).
  • Water at the base of plants- Do not give overhead water
  • In case of need, fungicides should be used according to label instructions.
Viral Diseases

Common Types: Mosaic virus.

Symptoms: Leaves with mottled, streaked or curled patterns


  • Remove and burn plants that have viruses.
  • Monitor and control aphids, a primary vector of viral diseases.
  • Use clean planting stock and garden hygiene.
Bacterial Infections

Common Types: Bacterial leaf spot.

Symptoms: Water soaking symptoms on leaves browning and necrotic.


  • Prune off and dispose of infected plant parts.
  • Avoid watering overhead and proper air circulation.
  • If needed apply copper-based bactericides.

Preventative Measures

  1. Crop Rotation and Garden Hygiene: Rotating your crops to keep Canna Lilies from being planted in the same spot year after year also aids reducing any pests or diseases. To remove the habitat of pests and pathogens, tidy up all fallen leaves or plant debris.
  2. Practice Healthy Plant Practices: Select disease-resistant varieties whenever available. Check new plants carefully for pests or diseases to avoid introducing them into your garden. Help plants stay healthy by watering, fertilizing and mulching so they resist pests and diseases.
  3. Beneficial Insects: Promote beneficial insects including ladybugs, lacewings and predator beetles that feed on many common garden pests. You should plant a diverse mix of flowers to draw in these helpful bugs.

Using these control measures for pests and diseases you can keep your Canna Lilies healthy, vigorous plus lessen problems frequently found in gardens.

Pruning and Deadheading Canna Lily

Proper pruning and deadheading will need to keep your Canna Lilies looking healthy and flowering beautifully. Know how to take care of each:

Canna Lily garden in backyard

Timing and Technique

  • Best time to Prune Canna Lilies: Late winter or Early spring prior before new growth appears. This timing lets the plant put its energy into developing new shoots and vivid flowers in the growing season.
  • Pruning: Snip out the old stems down to ground level using clean and sharp pruning shears or scissors. Trim off all dead, damaged or discolored foliage to help the plant in maintaining an attractive and healthy appearance.

Benefits of Deadheading

  • Long Lasting Bloom: This is achieved by regularly cutting to remove the flowers from spent spikes, which triggers more blooms all summer. All this offers the dog rose a flowering window and improves your garden’s appearance.
  • Plant Health: Deadheading can prevent the plant from going to seed and redirect energy for new growth and more flowers. Deadheading also helps to reduce the chance of disease, such as powdery mildew (by increasing air circulation around it).

Practicing these pruning and deadheading techniques over time will allow your Canna Lilies to flourish, give off a stunning display of flowers, and help you maintain healthy and vibrant plants in the garden.

Overwintering Canna Lily

How to Overwinter Canna Lilies offers tips and tricks for ensuring the survival of your canna lily rhizomes during cold weather, as well as ideas for proper storage in order to have them ready-to-perform efficiently next season! When the first frost blackens the leaves in late fall, cut back foliage to 4 -6 inches above soil level on all bulbs. When you have trimmed the roots, carefully dig up rhizomes and be careful not to damage them. Rub off the soil and let rhizomes set for a couple of days to cure in a cool dry place.

Then, keep the rhizomes in a cool (above freezing) but frost-free place like your basement or garage. Insulate and keep the bulbs from drying out by surrounding them with peat moss, vermiculite or dry sand within a container. Make sure that the rhizomes do not touch one another because they can then transmit diseases. During the winter, you will need to check stored rhizomes every few weeks to make sure they are not rotting or completely drying out. If necessary, lightly mist or sprinkle water on the storage medium (do not soak) as it is drying out to maintain a cool damp environment.

Most rhizomes should be replanted back into the garden in early spring, after they’re safe from the last frost. Pick a sunny spot with good draining soil. Plant the rhizomes 2-3 inches deep and add more soil to cover them. Give them a thorough watering after planting and provide regular care throughout the growing season to promote healthy foliage growth and colorful flowers. Using this method, you can have NSA Canna Lilies in your Gardens – growing season after blooming season.


Why Overwintering Canna Lilies is Important for Cold Months & In Future Season? With a little work, however, including good pruning practices leading into their dormant period followed by storing the rhizomes in an area free from humidity and steady temperatures will serve to protect these hardy plants through harsh winter weathers. Rot can be controlled through regular monitoring and proper moisture management during storage in order not to let the rhizomes decay. Plant new seeds or crops that need full sun and well-drained soil in spring. If you follow these steps Canna Lilies will come back year after year healthy and bloom wonderfully in your garden.

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