
What fruit is in season right now

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As health-conscious consumers, we understand the importance of fresh, seasonal fruit. Absolutely nothing beats ripe, fresh fruit. But the best is always in season. One question that frequently runs through everyone’s mind is — what fruit is in season right now and tastes the best? Eating with the seasons makes your meals taste better. Helps local farmers and decreases carbon emissions in bringing fruit from far away. 

In this guide, I will help you enjoy the season and some of the best bounties that it has to offer by discussing what fruit is in season right now. We hope you are ready to see what fruits of the new season’s labor have finally leaped forth, provided in a ripe state for your enjoyment.

The Benefits of Seasonal Fruits

Seasonal fruits can enrich your diet better than anything else. Outside of the fact that they usually taste better and are much healthier for you! Here 5 Benefits of Seasonal Fruits:

  1. Enhanced Flavor and Nutritional Value
    Since seasonal fruits are picked when they ripen fully and not before, or too late, their flavor is that much richer compared to what you can get off-season. More sunlight and these better conditions mean tastier produce which is heavier in vitamins & minerals too.
  2. Cost-Effective
    Because of their abundance and decreased necessity for shipping, seasonal fruits are often cheaper. This saves you money and helps to stretch your grocery budget while providing better quality produce.
  3. Supports Local Farmers
    Buying seasonal fruits is usually a purchase from local farmers. This means that you can also support local agriculture and avoid the carbon footprint of produce trucked thousands of miles. This also contributes to boost the local economy.
  4. Environmental Benefits
    In-season fruits take less energy and resources to produce and get from the farm to you. That, in turn, helps to create a system of food that is healthier for the earth.
  5. Variety in Your Diet
    Eating in season is also a nice way to mix it up, as apples and pears are great for fall! You get exposed to different flavors and nutritional benefits, eventually leading you towards a more interesting balanced diet.

One of the ways seasonal fruit benefits everyone is often in higher quality produce (fresh = tasty) and creates a kinder fair trade production for our planet and economy.

Spring Fruits

Sweet, juicy, and bursting with flavor — nothing says fresh like a ripe strawberry!

Spring brings a variety of fruity flavors, as lively and jubilant as the season that inspires them. With the approach of warm weather and nature coming to life can be found in season, such as strawberries, cherries, or apricots. The fruits that come early in the season are ideal for fresh eating, plugging into salads, or otherwise incorporating light and bright edibles. Spring is the best time to savor those flavor profiles and taste fruits that have a fantastic balance of sweet & sour.

Here’s a table of some of the fruits that are in season during spring:

Strawberries – spring and early summer.Pineapples – Tropical fruit, available year-round but not specifically spring.Kumquats – Typically late winter through spring.
Apricots – Typically early summer, but can start in late spring.Cherries – Harvested in late spring to early summer.Rhubarb – Starts in spring.
Lemons – Year-round, peak in winter.Oranges (Navel) – Winter fruit, but late-season varieties may extend into spring.Grapefruit – Winter to early spring, but mainly winter.
Mangos – Typically summer.Loquats – Spring season.Raspberries – Early varieties can be spring.
Apples – Mostly fall, but some varieties may be available in spring.Kiwi – Late fall to winter, not a spring fruit.Plums – Early summer, but some may be available in late spring.
Peaches – Summer, with some early varieties in late spring.Pears – Mainly fall.Blackberries – Some varieties are produced in late spring.
Oranges (Navel) – Winter fruit, but late-season varieties may extend into spring.Tangerines – Winter, extending into early spring.Guavas – Some varieties are available in spring.

Summer Fruits

Nothing says summer like a juicy, refreshing watermelon slice!

Because summer is a time of nature’s bounty, the fruit offerings in this season vary and there are multitudes to choose from which become ripe. When it is sunny outside, many juicy and sweet fruits are in their prime of ripeness. Between the juiciness of watermelon and berries at their ripest, summer produces fruits that provide a massive map. Eating seasonally according to your division has benefits beyond helping stave off dermatitis. Summer is the season of all things bright and juicy, which means it’s a time for colorful fruit lovers to revel in their favorite foods.

Here’s a table listing some of the fruits that are in season during summer:

Watermelon – A quintessential summer fruit.Mango – Yes, mostly summer.Pineapple – While available year-round, pineapple peaks in the summer in some regions.
Peach – Summer fruit.Nectarine – Typically harvested in summer.Apricot – Summer fruit (early summer).
Strawberry – Late Spring to summer.Raspberry – Primarily summer.Blackberry – Summer fruit.
Blueberry – Harvested during the summer months.Cantaloupe – Prime in summer.Honeydew – Peaks in summer.
Plum – Summer fruit.Cherry – Early summer.Fig – Mostly harvested in late summer.
Grapes – Late summer to early fall.Papaya – Tropical fruit available year-round, but popular in summer.
Dragon Fruit – Summer (in tropical climates).Passion Fruit – Tropical fruit that is available in the summer.

Fall Fruits

Sweet, tangy, and bursting with flavor—Raspberries are the jewels of the season!

There is an abundance of fruits that epitomize fall, and with the cooling weather around us welcoming bright yellow leaves into a dance on the pavement. It is a good time of year to taste what the outstanding fruits are, and they make some rich flavors, sprinkle in your life among sugared autumn tones. From a crisp apple to the unique flavor of persimmons, fall fruits are not only delicious but also fairly interchangeable for consumption throughout your favorite seasonal meals and snacks.

Here’s a list of fall fruits to enjoy:

Apples – A classic fall fruit.Pears – Fall is prime harvest time.Grapes – Harvested in late summer to fall.
Pomegranates – Primarily a fall fruit.Persimmons – Ripen in late fall.Quinces – Harvested in fall.
Figs – The second harvest of figs occurs in early fall.Cranberries – They are harvested in the fall.Kiwis – Late fall fruit.
Plums – Some varieties are harvested in late summer to early fall.Dates – Harvested in late fall.Medlar – Typically ripen in late fall.
Chestnuts – Harvested in fall.Pumpkins – A classic fall harvest.Huckleberries – Some varieties ripen in early fall.
Raspberries – Some late-bearing varieties are produced in the fall.Blackberries – Fall-bearing varieties exist, but usually summer fruit.

Winter Fruits

An apple a day keeps the cravings away – crisp, juicy, and bursting with flavor!

Even if winter brings chilly temperatures, it also offers several fruits that provide warmth and are nutritious as well. Sometimes you need a little fruit to brighten up your winter, even if the fruits are chilled. Winter produce ranges from juicy citrus fruits to options that store well through the season.

Here’s a table listing some of the fruits that are in season during winter:

Apples – Many varieties are available in winter.Oranges – A classic winter fruit.Grapefruit – Winter fruit.
Pears – Available in winter.Pomegranates – Peak season is fall through winter.Kiwi – Generally harvested in fall but available in winter.
Clementines – A winter fruit.Tangerines – They peak in winter.Lemons – Although available year-round, they peak in winter.
Persimmons – Late fall through winter.Cranberries – Harvested in fall but consumed throughout winter.Dates – Typically harvested in fall but commonly available in winter.
Quince – Fall through winter.Kiwi Berries – Late fall through winter.Mandarins – Available in winter.
Pomelos – Mainly a winter fruit.Satsumas – A type of mandarin orange in season in winter.Jujubes – Harvested in fall but available in winter.


It is interesting to learn as the seasons pass which fruits yield how much. Eating seasonal produce is always special, from fall’s crisp apples to winter’s juicy citrus. Not only is it enjoyable to eat with the seasons and experience new flavors but part of eating seasonally also means you are starting to make more sustainable decisions in your food choices and supporting local farmers.

I look forward to enjoying these wonderful tastes of the season and transforming seasonal Cooking with Nature into year-round stewardship!

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